Women's Health & Family Planning
Family PACT
Family PACT is a program that provides family planning and related services to people who qualify. If you are eligible for Family PACT, you can receive family planning services for free. Family PACT covers the following services:
Various birth control methods, including long-acting reversible contraceptives, emergency contraception, and sterilization
Family planning counseling and education
Sexually transmitted disease (STD) testing & treatment
HIV testing
Cervical cancer screening
Limited fertility services
Every Woman Counts
Every Woman Counts (EWC) provides free breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services to California’s underserved populations. The mission of the Every Woman Counts Program is to mitigate the devastating medical, emotional and financial effects of breast and cervical cancer and eliminate health disparities for medically underserved, low-income individuals​.
Breast Cancer Screening & Diagnostic Information
Do you qualify for free services?
If you are a women 40 years old or older, you may qualify for routine breast cancer screenings
Have symptoms of at any age, regardless of gender, you may qualify for breast diagnostic services
Some warning signs and/or symptoms of breast cancer include:
Lump, mass or swelling in the breast or underarm
Changes in size or shape of breast
Change in skin texture and color (dimpling, puckering, redness, scaly skin, or thickening) of the breast or nipple
Nipple retraction or inversion
Nipple discharge
Breast pain
Please note that these warning signs and/or symptoms may occur with conditions other than breast cancer.
Meet EWC Income Criteria
Have no or limited insurance
Are not getting these services through Medi-Cal or another government-sponsored program
Live in California
Call us at 1-800-511-2300. Assistance is available 24/7. We speak English, Spanish, Arabic, Armenian, Cambodian/Khmer, Cantonese, Farsi, Hindi, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Mandarin, Punjabi, Russian, Tagalog, Thai and Vietnamese.​
Cervical Cancer Prevention Information
Do you qualify for free services? You may if you:​
are 21 years old or older
have low income (EWC Income Criteria)
have no or limited insurance
are not getting these services through Medi-Cal or another government-sponsored program
live in California
Call 1-800-511-2300. Assistance is available 24/7. We speak English, Spanish, Arabic, Armenian, Cambodian/Khmer, Cantonese, Farsi, Hindi, Hmong, Japanese, Korean, Laotian, Mandarin, Punjabi, Russian, Tagalog, Thai and Vietnamese.
If you don't qualify, the EWC representative for your area may know of other low-cost screening programs that might be available to you. The Regional Contractors are also your link to support groups, advocacy groups and the latest information on what's happening in your community.
Treatment Information
If you are diagnosed with breast or cervical cancer:
Free treatment is available to all Californians who qualify through the Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program.
Information on this program is available on Medi‑Cal's website or call 1-800-824-0088 to speak with an eligibility specialist.
If you want to prevent pregnancy there are lots of great methods to choose from.
At our clinics we offer many different types including the Nexplanon and IUD.
Call for a consultation with one of our medical providers.